Welcome to Swedens warmest health care clinic
Everyone is welcome to our clinics.
Do you have symptoms of a respiratory infection, such as cough, sore throat, headache, runny nose and / or fever? Then you should stay at home until you are symptom free for two days. Do not visit a health care clinic without contacting them first. Contact 1177 if necessary. When you contact 1177, you will receive information about when and where to seek care.
Read more at 1177.se.
Listen to our podcast Hedda Hela Livet, which traget group is pregnant persons and new parents. We discuss everything from contraception, pregnancy to parenthood and relationships.
Listen here.
In focus
We have opened our clinic for menopause. We have experienced gynecologist working in our team and we offer bioidentical estrogen.
Our clinic is open for private and insurance customers.
We offer covid testing through PCR, antigen and antibody. We issue English flight certificates. You do not need a Swedish social security number in order to perform test at our clinic.
PCR: 1 750:-
Antigen: 1 000:-
Antibody (venous): 790:-
Let us help you
We have listed a few of our areas of expertise below
Clinical fysiology
Family medicine